Project Showcase
Explore the diverse programming projects I've created myself or collaborated with other teams on!
AI Agent
This program creates an AI agent which can chat with the user and answer advanced questions. Contrary to a normal chat bot this one is equipped to access multiple tools (PDFs, CSV files, and more). In this current version it is equipped to answer any questions about the United states (given a PDF to the United States Wiki page and a CSV about populations of countries). This program uses python and a LLM model from OpenAI and can be implemented to become an expert in any topic or even a local business.
Student Property Helper
"Cribs for Students" is a real estate marketplace designed to help university students find housing near their schools. The database links properties to universities, allowing students to search for accommodations based on proximity to their campus. A front-end interface was built using HTML and PHP on Google Cloud. The GCP account is no longer active but you can hit the button to view the final report!
Flappy Bird (Kuromi version)
This game replicates the original flappy bird where you need to fly between the pipes and survive as long as you can! It was a great experience to learn how to use Unity in conjunction with C# to create a game that I'm proud of.
AI WebScraper
This website I created using Streamlit and Python can take in a website and parse for results based on what the user prompts. Using Selenium we make the data available for Ollama's language learning model to answer questions, make tables, organize, and even analyze the results for the user.
Stock Market Sentiment Analysis (NLP)
I developed a sentiment analysis system that classifies stock-related tweets as positive or negative, providing investors with insights into public sentiment. This helps in making more informed investment decisions by analyzing market discussions in real time.
Tic Tac Toe vs AI
This project is a two-player AI game solver built with a customizable board, where a human competes against an AI using the minimax algorithm to make decisions. The AI evaluates potential moves to a specified depth, alternating turns with the player until a win or draw is reached. The game logic includes handling user input and tracking game states, but does not implement alpha-beta pruning.
AI Puzzle Solver
For the AI puzzle solver project, I developed a program that solves various board puzzles using search algorithms like BFS, DFS, GBFS, and A*. The solver evaluates board states and explores potential moves to find the optimal solution based on the chosen algorithm. It efficiently handles different board sizes and tracks performance metrics like nodes created and fringe size.